• Protein Intake Diet


    Overweight and obesity are recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) as chronic diseases, which are increasing, due to modern life, sedentary lifestyle, high-calorie foods with little or none nutritional value and poor dietary-hygienic habits. People who are overweight and obese increase the probability of suffering major complications, such as: cardiovascular diseases, diabetes type 2, cancer, gastrointestinal problems, among others.

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    First appointment

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    3 Months later

  • What is a Protein Intake Diet?

    The protein intake diet consists in maintaining the right percentage of proteins. Proteins are essential for the proper work of our body, due to the contribution of specific amino acids at the optimal time of day, there is a better synthesis of neuronal mediators.

    There are limited contributions of carbohydrates (sugars) and lipids (fats) involved in weight gain.

    A healthy treatment for overweight and obesity must induce only fat mass loss and fluids, without affecting the so-called "lean mass", consisting of muscles, bones and skin, and whose main nutritional contribution are proteins.

    The role of proteins is important for the maintenance of good health, among other things: they provide energy, protect tone, elasticity and skin vitality, muscles and bones.

    The Ysonut protein intake diet is composed by several progressive phases that lead to an effective loss of fat mass and weight, together with a long-term food re-education.

    Medical follow-up is essential to reach the patient's goal, not just in the beginning, but throughout the entire treatment, even after obtaining the ideal weight, to maintain it and avoid the "rebound effect".

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    Beginning of the treatment

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    3 Months later

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    Weight: 175.3 lb

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    Weight: 162.3 lb

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    Waist: 40.1 in

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    Waist: 33.46 in